What is Personal Style?

let’s get stylewise…

Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions’ ~ Coco Chanel

‘Fashions fade, style is eternal’ ~ Yves Saint Laurent

‘Be yourself. The world worships the original’ ~ Ingrid Bergman

Most people want to feel confident and look stylish.  But with so many different styles, colours and fashions to choose from it can be difficult to know where to begin.

What is it about personal style that you’d like to know?

  • I want to understand my body shape so that shopping is less frustrating.  I want to know what suits me, save time and avoid costly mistakes
  • I want to look current and up to date but without looking like a fashion victim
  • I want a fresh, new look that reflects who I am now and what I’m doing with my life now
  • I want to make the most of myself.  I want to learn how to dress to flatter my good bits and disguise the rest
  • I’d really like to express myself more and look more interesting

What is personal style?

body shapes, what's my body shape, body shape advice, image advice,

What's your body shape?

When it comes to looking good it’s not your size or shape that matters – it’s the cut and fit of your clothes.  You don’t need to follow the latest fad, or dress like a supermodel or movie star.  You simply need to choose what actually suits you, and wear what makes you feel comfortable.

Personal style is about dressing to flatter your body shape, scale and proportions.  It’s about choosing the right colours, fabrics, textures and clothes to highlight your good features and cleverly camouflage the rest.  It’s about creating optical illusions, so that you always look well dressed, well proportioned and elegant.

Know yourself.  Know your style.

What you choose to wear also needs to match your life style, your age and be appropriate for the occasion – whether it’s professional, casual or formal.

But, most importantly, your clothes also need to suit your personality.  You may prefer to dress in a ‘natural’ style, or a ‘romantic’, or a ‘classic’, or a ‘creative’ or even a ‘dramatic’.  But however you like to express yourself, you’ll want to feel confident that you always look like you.

If you ignore your style personality, and buy clothes simply because they’re featured in magazines or look great on friends or celebrities, your wardrobe will be a complete muddle of styles, colours and shapes.  You’ll have lots of clothes, but nothing to wear!

Reveal your personal style, rediscover who you are…

At Imagewise we analyse your shape, scale and proportions to give you expert guidelines on what to wear, where to buy it and how to put it all together.

By exploring your preferences, lifestyle and personality, we’ll help you discover and develop your own individual style.  You’ll take the first steps to creating a look that’s truly and uniquely yours.

We encourage you to bring along a selection of your own clothes – things you love and things you rarely wear.  By looking at the colours, cuts, fabrics, textures, styles and shapes of these items, you’ll consolidate what you’ve learned.

And with the help of a little bit of ‘virtual shopping’ and the clever use of accessories, we’ll show you how to create that illusive ‘capsule wardrobe.’ A wardrobe that’s perfect for you, for your lifestyle and for every occasion.

Personal Style Consultations with Imagewise

At Imagewise we’ve developed a range of services to help you dress stylishly with complete confidence.  With personal style services for both men and women, either on a one-to-one basis or as part of a group.

To find out more about how a personal style consultation with Imagewise can work for you, contact me about the following services and consultations:

  • women’s  full image makeover
  • women’s style and body shape consultation
  • bridal image, styling and colour consultations
  • men’s total image
  • style update consultations
  • style parties
  • style update parties
  • style workshops

Whether you’re looking for a complete image make-over for yourself, a pampering treat for a loved one, a fun and interactive party for your friends or a team building workshop for your company, we have a service to suit every need and budget.

Offering overall personal and business image advice, colour analysis, personal style consultations, make-up lessons, bridal services, personal shopping and wardrobe planning, Imagewise helps you look, feel and be your best – today, tomorrow and everyday…

Imagewise…Helping you discover your style and reveal who you really are

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