What is Colour Analysis?

let’s get colourwise….

The whole world, as we experience it visually, comes to us through the mystic realm of colour.’ ~ Hans Hofmann

“The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good, on you!” ~ Coco Chanel

Most people these days have heard the expression ‘getting your colours done’ but what exactly does that mean?

Colour analysis has been around for over 25 years, and yet there still seems to be a lot of mystery and confusion about it.

What is it about colour you’d like to know?

  • I want to know what colours suit me so that I can save time when I go shopping
  • I want to learn how to put colours together so that my outfits are more stylish and interesting
  • I’ve heard that colours give out non-verbal signals and I’d like to find out how
  • I always wear the same colours and I’m bored with my look, I’d like to stand out more
  • I always end up in black

Let’s talk about colour…

From the time you wake up, to the time you go back to bed, and even in your dreams, you’re surrounded by colour.  It’s everywhere.  In everything you do. Whether you know it or not, colour influences the way you look and how you feel.

Colour analysis is all about you…

colour analysis, colour me beautiful, isabel de felice, colour advice, what colours to wear, choosing colours, colour types

What's your colouring?

Your personal colouring – your hair, skin and eyes – look different depending on the colours you choose to wear near your face. If you wear a colour that harmonises with your own colouring, it reflects light upwards.  It enhances your natural look, and makes you look bright-eyed and healthy.  But if you choose an inappropriate colour, it casts dark shadows.  It emphasises the lines that age you, and makes you look tired, dull and unhealthy.

So next time someone asks you if you’re feeling ill or are “off-colour” it might simply be a case of wearing a colour that doesn’t suit you

Colour analysis can help you look younger, fitter and healthier…

colour analysis, colour fabric swatches, choosing colours, colour advice, colour combining

A Colour Analysis includes a personalised fabric swatch wallet with 42 colours you can wear with confidence

By subtly changing the tones of the colours you wear, you can easily make yourself look younger, healthier, fitter and more attractive.  We’ll see more of you than the clothes you’re wearing.  And when you understand the right colours for you, you’ll buy only what suits you when you go shopping.  The result will be a more co-ordinated wardrobe.

Did you know that colours have hidden messages?

The colours you wear communicate non-verbal messages to people around you.  Some will make you look approachable and friendly, while others will make you appear authoritative and commanding.  So the colours you choose to wear on a first date should be very different to those you wear to an important business meeting!  Just by understanding how colour works, you can select colours to send the right signals and give the right impression.

How does colour analysis work?

colour analysis, munsell colour, how does colour analysis work, image advice, colour adviceImagewise uses the Munsell system of colour classification.  We compare the undertone (hue), depth (value) and clarity (chroma) of different colours against your skin, eyes and hair, to determine your dominant colour characteristics.  Further tests reveal your secondary and tertiary characteristics. With this information we’re able to select colours that are ideal for you, because they harmonise and enhance you own unique colouring.

Colour Analysis with Imagewise

At Imagewise we’ve developed a range of services to help you wear colour with confidence.  With services for both men and women, either on a one-to-one basis or as part of a group.

colour analysis, colour advice, isabel de felice, colour me beautiful, choosing colour

Gift Vouchers are available for all our services. Treat a loved one today!

To find out more about how colour analysis with Imagewise can work for you, contact me about the following services and consultations:

  • women’s full image make-over
  • women’s colour analysis
  • bridal colour and image consultation
  • men’s total image consultation
  • men’s colour analysis
  • women’s colour update consultation
  • colour workshops
  • colour parties

Whether you’re looking for a complete image make-over for yourself, a pampering treat for a loved one, a fun and interactive party for your friends or a team building workshop for your company, we have a service to suit every need and budget.

Offering overall personal and business image advice, colour analysis, personal style consultations, make-up lessons, bridal services, personal shopping and wardrobe planning, Imagewise helps you look, feel and be your best – today, tomorrow and everyday…

Imagewise…  Helping you make an immediate and confident impression with colour

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