Tag Archives: make up

Feel Good in 2011..

New Year…New Confident YOU!

Get back your feel good factor…

mirror, style, body, shape, bodyshapes, body shape, colour me beautiful, colour me slimmer, fashion, slimming, diet

Time for a change?

You spent December rushing around thinking about everyone else, now it’s time to focus on you. There is no better time to reassess your style and your wardrobe than at the beginning of a brand new year so get ready to kick-start your feel-good factor in 2011 with a positive and confident new you.

Feel Good Make-up Tips…

Our face is the first thing people see when they greet us so you want to make sure it’s looking its best. At this time of year your skin needs a lot of care and a little cosmetic help to get some brightness back in to your complexion.

Must have basics:

Skin Adjuster – to help keep redness caused by the cold wind at bay

Morning Light Foundation – to give a balanced complexion and all over protection

Concealer – to help tone down dark circles and blemishes

Keep your eyes looking bright…

After the Christmas excesses your eyes may feel a bit dull so keep drinking plenty of water and invest in some eye drops.

For make-up, wear a lighter shadow and keep the darker shades for just a little definition as they will emphasise any tiredness around the eyes. Colours with a bit of shimmer or in lighter shades applied in the centre of the lid will lift and brighten the eye.

For shimmer choose from:
Gold Whisper, Indian Ocean or Khaki.

For light shades choose from:
Melon, Peppermint, Lavender Bliss or Pearl.

Gorgeous lips…

Dry lips pale out our complexion so keep them regularly moisturised and wear a fabulous colour lipstick to lift your spirits in these dark days.

Feel Good Styling & Wardrobe Tips…


wardrobe weeding, de-clutter, de-tox, fashion, style, trends, colour me beautiful, diet, slimmer

Time for a de-clutter?

How many feel good outfits do you own?

In reality most women have only about 3 or 4 outfits that they really enjoy wearing. Why?  Mainly because they believe that looking good costs money or they get into style ruts and make bad shopping choices. When you open your wardrobe you should feel happy with everything you see and know that you will look good every day, not just on the ‘good outfit’ days.

‘Casual’ doesn’t mean ‘Can’t be bothered’

Casual doesn’t have to mean baggy old t-shirts over badly fitting trousers!  You should still feel good about yourself in your dress down clothes. Making your casual wear more stylish doesn’t need to be expensive either…it just needs a bit of thought. Your jeans should always be a good fit and flatter your shape. Wear a top with a bit of interest; it might just be in a fabulous colour or in a cut that looks great on you. Even adding a key accessory can up the ante in your casual style stakes.

A pair of leggings and jumper dress or tunic can look stylish and still be comfy at the same time. Just make sure you get a good quality pair of leggings and that the tunic is an appropriate length and suits your shape. Just a little effort will make all the difference to how you feel, even on the dress down days.

Your size doesn’t matter…you shape does!

Though you may not feel your best post-Christmas, remember, you don’t have to be a size 8 to look good. Women are meant to have curves, it is natural, it is sexy and it is feminine. Fashion has recently returned to more womanly shapes and being ultra-feminine, so celebrate your fabulous curves, learn how to dress them and enjoy making yourself look fabulous.

Five top tips for a ‘Feel Good’ wardrobe…

fashion, style, shopping, trends, colour me beautiful, image consultant

Feel good in your clothes...

First of all a wardrobe weed is essential. Throw away items with the ‘ugh’ factor. Any items that get the ‘ugh’ reaction must be assigned to charity, friends who look good in them or recycling!

– Pick out the items in your wardrobe that you do like and think about why you enjoy wearing them and what it is about them that suits you.

– Consider your personal style, what do you like your clothes to say about you?

– Learn to understand your body shape and find cuts and fabrics that work with your body-lines.

– When you have done a bit of self-assessment you can start doing some research into finding the right clothes for you. Pick out the retailers with ranges that appeal to you and have the right cuts and fabrics that suit you.

Start your New Year taking care of you and get some valuable style advice.  Contact me for more details about a Personal Style & Body Shape Consultation, Personal Shopping Trips or my Wardrobe Weeding & De-Cluttering service.

Contact details:

Tel: 01932 224302

Email: isabel.defelice@cmb.co.uk

Have a feel good New Year…All the best…


colour me beautiful, image consultant, body shape, surrey, isabel de felice

Expert advice from Colour me Beautiful's award winning consultant - Isabel de Felice

Make-up Colours to look Gorgeous this Season

This Season’s Make-up Look

make up advice

Wearing the right shades of make-up will make you look more radiant and healthy


Pale and Interesting

Your make-up should be kept simple to match your understated camel (or grey) garments and the season’s minimalist feel. Lips are natural tones but not nude. Swap your bold summer lipstick shades for a more natural look.




Choose a flattering shade for your colouring:

make up advice lip colours

The right shade of lip colour will balance your natural colouring and make your eyes sparkle

LIGHT – Dune
DEEP – Sunset
WARM – Warm Sand
COOL – Dusty Rose
CLEAR – Alfresco
SOFT – Sheer Nude

make up advice lip colours

CMB offers a terrific non-sticky range of glossy lip colours to suit all colour types

A Beautiful Blush

A good make-up look isn’t just about the lips and eyes, it’s creating a good ‘canvass’ with your foundation and knowing how and where to apply your blusher.

make -up advice blush

The right shade of blush can make your complexion really glow with health and radiance!


Cream blushes give a healthier glow and will work beautifully with your natural look this season. Choose Melba for warm skin tones and Lychee for cool.

1. Apply cream blusher directly to the face or on top of your foundation before powdering.
2. Gently pat along the cheekbones with the fingertips blending the blusher in gently.
3. For the best effect, apply it to the top of the cheekbones and upwards toward the hairline. Make sure it doesn’t come too far forward to the front of your face.




Treat yourself  or a loved one to a Make-up Lesson….

make up advice step by step

A step by step easy to understand approach to applying make-up

If you’ve been stuck in a rut with your make-up and have been applying it in the same way for years, then why not treat yourself to a Make-up Lesson?

As a fully trained make-up and image consultant I can show you how to apply your make-up in a fresh way in colours and shades that really compliment you.  You’ll end the session looking younger, heathier and more radiant and take away with you a 12 page step by step beauty book full of all the advice and top tips you’ve learned so you’ll be able to easily re-create the look at home.

To find out more about Make-up Lessons and Workshops simply contact me at isabel.defelice@cmb.co.uk or by phone on 01932 224302…

gift vouchers make up lesson

A very personal gift that will last a lifetime....


Why not treat your loved ones to a bit of pampering and ‘me time’?  Make-up Lessons are also available as Gift Experience Vouchers.  Contact me for details…



Looking forward to helping you make the most of yourself…
