Tag Archives: fitness

Dress to Drill…Looking good at the gym…

Dress to Drill – Workout Style Tips

next sportswear, gym clothes, spring 2011, next catalogue, womens clothing, fashion, isabel de felice, image consultant

Sportswear from NEXT Spring 2011

After the excess of the holidays, January often finds us feeling sluggish and in need of redressing our overindulgences.The best way to approach getting back on form is to set yourself realistic goals and ease into a regular fitness routine.

The key to getting started is motivation, and what better way to get you in the mood for exercising than to invest in some colourful, stylish sportswear.


Essentials – Get a good bra!

sports bra, figleaves, gymwear, sportswear, womens clothing, image consultant, isabel de felice,

Figleaves Sports Bra Spring 2011

Whatever fitness routine you decide to take-up you first need to make sure that you invest in good sports bra. You need a good, comfortable fit and proper support in all the right places. The important thing for ladies to remember when exercising is that you will need even more support for your bust than you do in your regular bra. You also want to feel good in your workout clothes so make sure you choose your best and most energising colours and styles that flatter your figure.

The gym – What to wear?

The mistake we often make with exercising is that we think it doesn’t matter what we wear as long as it’s comfortable. We frequently opt for the baggy t-shirt as it covers a multitude of sins and then wonder why we feel dreadful when we see ourselves in the mirror down the gym. If you wear something that flatters your body shape in an uplifting colour you will already feel better about the way you look which will motivate you to keep up the exercise.

Marks and Spenser, Gym Top, Sportswear, Ladies Clothing, Sports Top, Spring 2011, Trends, Fashion, Shopping, Isabel de Felice, Image Consultant

Pretty Coloured Sports Top from M&S Spring 2011

Tips for Tops:

Look for tops in the brightest colours within your colour palette. Reds and pinks are great energising shades, just make sure they are the right reds and pinks for you. Greens and yellows can be uplifting too.

Don’t wear a strappy top if you hate your upper arms, wear a t-shirt or three-quarter length sleeves instead.

Make sure you wear a top that fits well and doesn’t look like you’re hiding in a tent!

Tips for Bottoms:

Find styles that complement your figure and don’t attract attention to your ‘problem’ areas. Draw focus away from the thighs or bottom by wearing a darker colour on your bottom half and keep the lighter and brighter colours for your top.

Outdoor workout – Style Advice:

Sweaty Betty, Waterproof jacket, gym clothes, running jacket, fashion advice, shopping, charcoal jacket, isabel de felice, image consultant

Feminine Charcoal Jacket by Sweaty Betty Spring 2011 collection

Exercising outdoors means you need to prepare for the cold and layering is the key here. To avoid feeling like the Michelin woman, invest in some lightweight sports clothes that are designed to keep you warm without weighing you down. It’s worth finding a good quality lightweight waterproof jacket that keeps out the wind and wet. Remember to look for colours and styles that you feel good in; Lycra leggings don’t look good on most of us, jogging bottoms are more cosy and comfortable to exercise in and come in a range of stylish designs.

Tips for outdoor clothes:

Layers should be lightweight and your top layer should be something you can unzip easily, you can then take it off and tie it around your waist if you get too warm.

Sleeveless jackets give an extra layer of warmth without adding a lot of bulk.

For really cold days wear a fun hat and gloves as numb fingers and painful ears will take the pleasure out of your run/walk.

Final thoughts…

littlewoods, red sweatshirt, sportswear, running top, spring 2011, fashion, trends, image advice, image consultant, isabel de felice

Colourful Sweatshirt from Littlewoods Spring 2011 collection

It’s worth spending more money on your sportswear to get a flattering fit and the right support you need and it will last longer. If you need guidance on the right styles for you then why not contact me about a Colour Analysis or Personal Styling & Body Shapes Consultation and I’ll solve your dressing dilemmas – forever!

You can contact me by phone on 01932 224302 or by email at isabel.defelice@cmb.co.uk

Enjoy your workouts!

All the best…Isabel xx


colour me beautiful, image consultant, surrey, isabel de felice, fashion advice, colour analysis, bodyshape advice, shopping, spring 2011

Isabel de Felice is an award winning image consultant, stylist and personal shopper with Colour me Beautiful