Colour Advice: What’s my best colour mac/raincoat?

Raincoats in your best colours to keep you smiling….

Today I met with one of my favourite clients and she asked me to find her a new raincoat to replace the black one she had been wearing for several years.

Whilst looking around and shopping for her, I decided to help all ladies choose the perfect colour raincoat to flatter their colouring and brighten up the gloomy skies. So let’s all banish the black and inject a bit of colour on those drab rainy days!

Here are my top picks for this season’s raincoats and advice on who should wear them.

How to choose the perfect colour for you….

For the ‘Lights’ : Choose either the Cornflower Blue (1) or the Stone (8)

For the ‘Deeps’: Choose either the Orchid (2) if you’re Deep & Cool, the Khaki (3) if you’re Deep & Soft or the Cardinal Red (7) if you’re Deep & Warm

For the ‘Warms’: Choose either the Khaki (3) or the Cardinal Red (7)

For the ‘Cools’: Choose either the Raspberry (6), the Cerise (4) or the Navy (5)

For the ‘Clears’: Choose the Cardinal Red (7) or the Cerise (4) if you’re Clear & Cool

For the ‘Softs’: Choose either the Stone (8) or the Khaki (3) if you’re Soft and Deep

What’s your ‘colour type’?

If you’re not sure what ‘colour type’ you are and would like to find out, please contact me about a colour analysis consultation. I’ll be able to advise you on the very best colours and shades for you and show you how to combine them to create wonderfully stylish outfits. And you’ll take way with you a wallet of 42 colour fabric swatches to help you shop successfully.

Simply drop me an email at to find out more…

I hope you enjoyed today’s post and please do keep updated by clicking on the Follow Me link. 

Enjoy the rainy days!
IsabelWhat's my best colour mac/raincoat?



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